Eve: Beautiful Perfection

Eve was the only woman to ever experience perfection. She was the first woman on this earth. She was all things new and beautiful. Perfectly hand-crafted by the hand of God Himself. She was the only woman to know the beauty of perfect harmony and relationship with God and with her husband. Nothing separated her from God or from her husband. Unfortunately, every woman who has come after Eve has experienced life fallen. The life we dream about and long for in Heaven was the life she experienced in the Garden. Perfect Paradise.

It is incredible to think about the intimacy with which God created man and woman to begin with. He didn’t just speak them into existence like He did everything else. He took His time in forming them and saved them as the last and highest form of His creation. He wanted to create something in His image that reflected His being and His character. God reached into the earth and formed man from the dust of the earth and then He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. “And the man became a living creature.” God created Adam with a plan and a purpose but it wasn’t enough to just make Adam. Though perfect in his masculinity in God and the traits God wanted the world to see in him, creation (and Adam) were not complete until God created Eve.

God formed Eve out of a rib of Adam’s side because He saw that in all that He had created, there was not a fit companion for Adam. God created Eve because it was not good for man to be alone. He also created Eve because without her, man could not procreate and fill the earth and multiply. God created Eve so she could create life and carry on God’s creation until the end of time. Adam calls the woman that God hand-crafted for him Eve because she would be the mother of all living. Without her, life on this earth would not exist. 

It is often debated the meaning behind the word used to describe Eve after she is created. God calls her a “helper” and creates her because He saw that it was not good for man to be alone, but often times, this word is translated as a diminished or diminutive reflection of what Eve’s purpose was when God created her and put her in this earth. The word is better translated as Adam’s ezer kenegdo, his “sustainer beside him.” Every other time the word ezer is used in the Bible, it is describing God himself and usually when you desperately need him to come through for you. Eve was created to be the desperately needed sustainer to stand beside Adam and give him the things that God created in Eve to fill and complete Adam. 

Can you imagine what it must have felt like to be Eve? Beauty and creation perfected in her. To be formed by the hand of God from the rib of the man He created. Stretching and feeling the perfectly created muscles and skin that is as perfect and new as a baby’s skin. To be brought to the man as his perfect ezer kenegdo. See the perfect beauty of God’s creation all around you. See animals living and dwelling in perfect peace and harmony. Experience no pain or heartache or insecurities that we all experience and struggle with today. Perfectly at peace with herself and with the world around her. Perfectly at peace with her husband. Actually walking and talking with the God who created you and experiencing perfect relationship with Him, the way He desired it to be. What beautiful perfection. 

As the first woman, Eve was also the first to experience pain, and she experienced it in ways we will never know or experience. The moment she ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, she experienced total separation from God. What once was perfect was immediately torn away from her. Shame at being naked immediately filled her mind and her first impulse was to hide herself away. She desperately sewed leaves together to cover herself. The perfect relationship that had existed between her and her husband was forever lost. She was now ashamed of herself with her husband, ashamed of herself and her choices not to trust God and His provision for her. Regret and heartbreak flooded her heart as she took her life into her own hands and out of God’s. Blame and denial became a part of her vocabulary and altered her response to things for the rest of her life. Once the deed was done, her punishment was pain in childbearing, and her gift to the rest of women for all eternity. What was designed to be a painless and joyful experience was now infiltrated with some of the worst pain a person could experience. Pain had entered the world because of Adam and Eve’s decision. And death was soon to follow. As the first mother, Eve was not only the first to experience the wonder of pregnancy and the pain of childbirth, she was also the first to experience one of the greatest pains a mother could ever experience. Her firstborn son was born with such an angry and distant heart from God that he murdered his brother. Words cannot express the pain of losing a child, and the unexplainable grief and sorrow is compounded when that child is taken away by the hands of another. But, to have those hands be the hands of his own brother would be a pain and heartache that is unimaginable.

As God’s beautiful perfection, Eve was also the main target of Satan’s attack against God’s beauty. He fell in his own beauty and he desired to see God’s greatest beauty fall as well. Satan has a special hatred for the beauty God created in woman and that’s why he went after Eve when he came to them in the garden and not Adam. To destroy Adam would have been damaging, but to destroy Eve, that would be debilitating to the human race. She was the mother of all living. Without her, life cannot continue. Women give birth, not men. Women nourish life. Women bring life to everything they touch. Eve was God’s crown of creation. She was created to be the incarnation of the Beauty of God Himself and she embodies the glory of God. And through her seed, Satan would ultimately be crushed and defeated. Satan hated Eve for all these things and has hated women since. They emulate the beauty that he can no longer achieve or be. Like the prince turned beast whose beauty was distorted and deformed because of his selfishness and pride, Lucifer, who was considered to be the most beautiful creature, fell and became the chief of fallen angels and used his wounded pride to destroy whatever gives the most glory to God and emanates the most beauty and radiance. He has set the world against beauty and especially against women because if they don’t feel beautiful or able to nurture or give life, life won’t go on.

God created Eve with a special purpose. He put within her parts of Himself that were not in Adam and made her to be the first among women. As long-removed daughters of Eve, we carry the same traits and characteristics that God created in Eve. We were created to see beauty in the earth and reveal that beauty to others. We were created to be sustainers and nurturers. We were created to carry the seeds of life within us, and though that doesn’t always come to fruition in the form of a child, we can still use those seeds to bring life to those around us. We were made to be beautiful and be the incarnate beauty of God and embody His glory. 

Daughters of Eve, I call to you to stand firm in your femininity in God. Stand firm in your womanhood. Find the purpose and beauty with which God created you to be and to do in this earth. Look to the one who created you and know that He created you with a purpose. You are His crown of creation and the world is not complete without you. And, He loves you more than you could ever know or imagine. He longs to be in a relationship with you as He was with Eve. He longs to walk and talk with you in the garden and hear your stories or heartaches or joyful moments or sad moments. He longs to be your ezer kenegdo, sustainer beside you, and created you to be a sustainer to those around you. You were mad with a special beauty within you that no one else carries. You carry a special imprint of God that is not in anyone or anything else. Believe in your beauty and don’t be afraid to shine that beauty into the world around you. 

Live beautiful.